
sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

Tarea: Unidad VI

Tarea: Unidad  IV

Patrones de organización de un parrafo

1- Lea el texto y extraiga los  marcadores de definicion

Connecting with e-Learners Through Podcasting
By definition, a podcast is a series of digital content files that are released as episodes through the use of Web syndication or RSS feeds. The files can be audio or video, and—if crafted carefully—can create an environment similar to a face-to-face classroom, but with the advantages of availability, accessibility, and repetition. The podcast can be played over and over again until comprehension is achieved. As modern learners experience an increasing demand on their time, podcasting can facilitate a more flexible, mobile learning option.

Marcadores Definicion:
  • By definition, a podcast is

  • As modern learners

Lev Vygotsky
Vygotsky was born in Orsha, in the Russian Empire (today in Belarus) into a nonreligious Jewish family. He was influenced by his cousin David Vygodsky. He graduated from Moscow State University in 1917. Later, he worked at the Institute of Psychology (mid-1920s)and other educational, research and clinical institutions in Moscow, Leningrad, and Kharkov where he worked extensively on ideas about cognitive development. He died in 1934 in Moscow of tuberculosis at the age of 37.
Vygotsky introduced the notion of zone of proximal development, an innovative metaphor capable of describing not the actual, but the potential of human cognitive development. His work covered such diverse topics as the origin and the psychology of art, development of higher mental functions, philosophy of science and methodology of psychological research, the relation between learning and human development, concept formation, interrelation between language and thought development, play as a psychological phenomenon, the study of learning disabilities, and abnormal human development (aka defectology).


Marcador de tiempo:

  •          He graduated from Moscow State University in 1917.
  •          He died in 1934
Idea general del parrafo:

  • Describir la biografia de Vygotsky

Tipo de texto:
  • Narrativo

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