
jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

Taller I Sobre las Unidades I y II

1. Leer el texto por completo

Progressive Education
Progressive education was a pluralistic phenomenon, embracing industrial training, agricultural education, and social education as well as the new techniques of instruction advanced by educational theorists. Postulates of the movement were that children learn best in those experiences in which they have a vital interest and that modes of behavior are most easily learned by actual performance.

2. Subrayar las palabras que no entiende y buscarlas en el diccionario

Training: Formación
Behavior: Comportamiento
Which: Que

3. Escribir cual es la idea principal del texto

La idea principal del texto trata sobre el progreso de la educación, el cual se ve como un fenómeno plural por cuanto abarca la educación industrial, agrícola y social. De igual modo resulta importante destacar que el texto da relevancia al hecho de que los niños aprenden mejor en las actividades en las que tienen interés.

4. Identificar el tiempo verbal general del texto

Presente simple

5. Identificar al menos dos palabras de las siguientes categoría lexicales:

Artículos: the new- a pluralistic

Verbos: was - they have

Sustantivos: that children - educational theorists

Adjetivos: easily -

Preposiciones: of - by

Conjunciones: as well - in those

Prefijos: advanced - in which

Sufijos: easily

Cognados falsos: behavior - perfocmance

Cognados verdaderos: Postulates - education

6. Sacar 4 oraciones e indicar:

1-Progressive education was a pluralistic phenomenon
Frase nominal:Progressive education

Nucleo de la frase nominal:Education

Pre modificadores:Progressive

Post modificadores:Was a pluralistic phenomenon

2-New techniques of instruction advanced by educational theorists
Frase nominal: New techniques of instruction

Nucleo de la frase nominal: Techniques of instruction

Pre modificadores: New

Post modificadores: Advanced by educational theorists

3-Children learn best in those experiences in which they have a vital interest
Frase nominal: Children learn best

Nucleo de la frase nominal:Children learn

Pre modificadores: No hay

Post modificadores: In those experiences in which they have a vital interest

 4-Embracing industrial training, agricultural education, and social education as well as the new techniques of instruction.
Frase nominal: Embracing industrial training, agricultural education, and social education

Nucleo de la frase nominal: Industrial training, agricultural education, and social education

Pre modificadores: Embracing

Post modificadores: As well as the new techniques of instruction.

7. Señalar los referenciales presentes en el párrafo y lo cual se refiere.

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