Tarea: Unidad II
The education must be a continuous reconstruction of living experience based on activity directed by the child. The recognition of individual differences was also considered crucial. Progressive education opposed formalized authoritarian procedure and fostered reorganization of classroom practice and curriculum as well as new attitudes toward individual students.
http://www.answers.com/topic/educational-progressivismn .
Idea Principal del Texto
El texto hace referencia a la reconstrucciòn continua de la educaciòn basandose en la experiencia y reconociendo las diferencias individuales de los estudiantes.
Estructura del texto
1-The education must be a continuous reconstruction of living experience based on activity directed by the child.
Frase nominal:The education
Nucleo de la frase nominal: Education
Pre modificadores: The
Post modificadores: Must be a continuous reconstruction of living experience based on activity directed by the child.
Frase verbal: Experience based on activity directed by the child
Timpo verbal: Presente
2-The recognition of individual differences was also considered crucial
Frase nominal: The recognition of individual differences
Nucleo de la frase nominal: Individual differences
Pre modificadores:The recognition of
Post modificadores: Was also considered crucial
Frase verbal: Also considered crucial
Timpo verbal: Pasado
3- Fostered reorganization of classroom practice and curriculum as well as new attitudes toward individual students.
Frase nominal: Fostered reorganization of classroom practice and curriculum
Nucleo de la frase nominal: Reorganization of classroom practice and curriculum
Pre modificadores: Fostered
Post modificadores: As well as new attitudes toward individual students.
Frase verbal: New attitudes toward individual students.
Timpo verbal: Presente continuo
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