
sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

4. Reflexion Final del curso

Tatuaje en
Mi Corazón

Ser parte de este grupo, y haber tenido la oportunidad de crecer juntos en busca de conocimientos que nos permitan dominar el idioma ingles, sin duda alguna dejo huella en mi corazón... no solo obtuve el conocimiento, sino tambien incremente el tamaño del tesoro más preciado que poseo... mis amigos. Gracia por ser ahora parte de mi..! la vida es sencillamente maravillosa si a todo lo que hacemos le ponemos amor y dedicación.
Teachir; Doris Martin... es usted un corazon abierto cuando se trata de impartir conocimientos; llegue a este lugar llena de espectativas que supo sobrepasar, por lo cual me enseño ademas de ingles muchas cosas mas.

Dios....! Gracias por todo cuanto me has dado; quizas no ha sido todo lo que he querido, pero si ha sido todo cuanto he necesitado...!

Taller final Units I, II, III IV

10 Ways to Ensure Distance Learning Success

By Cindy Wolfe, University of Phoenix

December 17, 2009

Distance learning students must take a far more active role in learning and accessing information than traditional students in face-to-face classrooms. Written messages or posts from the professor and classmates replace other means of direct communication, and course materials are posted online. Rather than simply sitting through a class and jotting notes, you must take the initiative to download and read lectures and course materials.

As a distance learning student, you will find that being pro-active and engaged in your personal learning experience will pay off in good grades and depth of learning.

1. Read the Syllabus and Use it as a Roadmap

The syllabus is your course guide. It contains not only information about the professor, grading requirements, and class and assignment schedules, but also instructions on how to access online forums and e-texts. You should download and save the syllabus as soon as you have access to it.

A good syllabus provides a kind of "roadmap" to success. Read it thoroughly and ask questions if any points are unclear. You may need to ask question via email, a forum post, or even through a phone call to the instructor. Don't discount all the means of communication that are available to you.

Never discard the syllabus as an irrelevant document. Print it, and know it top to bottom. This will help you schedule your time for completing assignments, as well as facilitate planning your personal life around your academic life.

2. Turn in All Assignments Complete and on Time

The instructor cannot grade your papers if you don't turn them in! Most professors impose a late penalty for overdue assignments, such as 10 percent or points off per day up to three days; after three days, the work is not accepted.

With online courses, students have fewer excuses. You can never say, "I slipped it under your door by the deadline. What do you mean you never received it?" because assignments turned in through the course page will have a digital timestamp that indicates when it was posted. This timestamp is the instructor's ironclad proof the assignment was turned in on time.

Make sure you can see your posted paper or attachment before you log out of the course site.

3. Follow Online Resources Carefully Week by Week

Most online courses use an online learning system, such as Blackboard, Moodle, or some other customized in-house course management software suite. Your instructor may post additional learning resources to the system along with graded assignments and grades.

The college may also post important enrollment or school information here.

Instructor reserves the right to update course requirements and often those changes are communicated via the online system. Course texts and downloadable assignments are likely to be posted here, too. Take a tour of the system and familiarize yourself with all its features as soon as you have access to it.

4. Search for One New Idea in Every Class Session, Assignment, and Reading

You are ultimately responsible for what you learn in the course. Every time you post a forum discussion response, read a text, work on an assignment, or interact with other students, you should come away with some new idea or thought about the subject.

If you are simply rushing through without thinking, you will not retain the information. However, if you are actively seeking knowledge, you will find it. I suggest writing down what you discover in a notebook and referring back to it each time you start a new learning session. Use what you learn today as a building block for what you learn tomorrow.

5. Support and Encourage Fellow Classmates

If you cultivate a positive atmosphere with your fellow students, you will build a constructive relationship that will help you as well as others—which is try in any class, but even more important in a virtual class.

You will get accustomed to asynchronous learning and will figure out how to best be supportive and encouraging through just the text on the screen. Make sure that your posts are constructively positive even if you are pointing out that a statement is incorrect or an idea is tenuous. Create an online learning space that reinforces respect and values others' ideas. Remember, everyone needs encouragement to achieve his or her goals.

6. Contribute to Discussions

One of the secrets to distance learning is engagement. Students who are engaged in discussions show that they are seeking knowledge and understanding.

Take an active role in your education by stepping into a discussion with informed comments. Instructors know who is contributing and who is not. They have access to every forum and post. Often, they can even see how many discussion threads each student has opened and read, even if the student has not written a response.

In an asynchronous environment, discussions can be very lively and active, and become great learning venues—make sure you make yourself a part of it.

7. Stay Organized

Organization is key to distance learning success! I recommend keeping a physical binder with sections such as syllabus, assignments, and texts and research; or divide the binder into Week 1, Week 2, and so forth. Having a physical binder supports students with flexible schedules (a strong reason many students opt for distance learning in the first place), as it allows them to pick up and go at any moment, despite whether they are in front of a computer or at a wi-fi hotspot.

8. Never Procrastinate

You must proactively work on assignments. Instructors can usually tell when an assignment was thrown together at the last minute! Start future assignments early and build them day by day. For example if you have to write a paper that is due one week from today, you should research the topic for the first two days, create a mindmap or outline on the third day, and write the paper on the fourth and fifth days. Use the sixth day to revise and to send the work through any required online grammar or plagiarism checkers. Once you get your reviewed paper back, make any cosmetic changes, and turn it in!

9. Consider How Your Experience Fits Into the Discussion

Education should be relevant and make a difference in your life. Discovering ways that your experience fits into the discussion makes the topic significant and applicable to your job or future education. Some courses naturally build on experience, such as business, sociology, or psychology.

Instructor want to see more than book learning. They want to see that you have synthesized the information and can use it effectively. You will find that because distance learning uses forum posts for discussion, you can take time to formulate a knowledgeable response before you reply. Online discussion questions are great avenues for creating relevance, and discovering the significance of a subject will help you internalize the information.

10. Set Long-Term Goals

Your educational experience should help you achieve your goals. As a distance learning student, you understand how the flexibility of learning can be integrated into your lifestyle and career path. Setting both short- and long-term goals gives you the impetus to create the life that you want and the career that you will enjoy.

About the Author

Cindy Wolfe is an instructor with the University of Phoenix and a PhD student at Northcentral University. She believes in personal fulfillment through education and training. Her experience as a manager, author, professor, and student gives her a unique view about motivating others. Wolfe lends encouragement and insight into adult learning to readers

1-Palabras desconocidas:
  • Learning : (noun) = Aprendiendo
  • Fourth : (noun ) = Cuarto

2-Idea principal del texto

El texto da relevancia al papel que deben jugar los estudiantes a distancia en su formación, estos, deben ser pro-activos y comprometidos en su experiencia de aprendizaje personal para obtener buenas calificaciones y  alcanzar el aprendizaje.

3-Categorias lexicales:

•Verbos: slipped - accustomed

•Adverbio: simply - effectively

•Adjetivo: lifestyle - proactively

•Artículo: The - a

•Preposiciones: of - as

•Conjunción: and - for

•Cognados verdaderos: Organization - students

•cognados Falsos: fulfillment <> facilmente -  grading  <> grande

•Sufijo: available - responsible

•Prefijos: discard - internalize

Estructura de la oracion:

  • 1- Distance learning students must take a far more active role in learning and accessing information than traditional students in face-to-face classrooms

Frase nominal :Distance learning students

Nucleo de la frase nominal: Learning students

Pre modificadores:

Post modificadores:must take a far more active role in learning

Frase verbal:must take a far more active role in learning and accessing information than traditional students in face-to-face classrooms

Nucleo de la frase verbal:must take a far more active role in learning and accessing information

Tiempo verbal:Presente

  • 2- The syllabus is your course guide
Frase nominal :The syllabus 

Nucleo de la frase nominal: syllabus

Pre modificadores: The

Post modificadores:

Frase verbal: is your course guide

Nucleo de la frase verbal: course guide

Tiempo verbal:Presente

Tarea: Unidad VI

Tarea: Unidad  IV

Patrones de organización de un parrafo

1- Lea el texto y extraiga los  marcadores de definicion

Connecting with e-Learners Through Podcasting
By definition, a podcast is a series of digital content files that are released as episodes through the use of Web syndication or RSS feeds. The files can be audio or video, and—if crafted carefully—can create an environment similar to a face-to-face classroom, but with the advantages of availability, accessibility, and repetition. The podcast can be played over and over again until comprehension is achieved. As modern learners experience an increasing demand on their time, podcasting can facilitate a more flexible, mobile learning option.

Marcadores Definicion:
  • By definition, a podcast is

  • As modern learners

Lev Vygotsky
Vygotsky was born in Orsha, in the Russian Empire (today in Belarus) into a nonreligious Jewish family. He was influenced by his cousin David Vygodsky. He graduated from Moscow State University in 1917. Later, he worked at the Institute of Psychology (mid-1920s)and other educational, research and clinical institutions in Moscow, Leningrad, and Kharkov where he worked extensively on ideas about cognitive development. He died in 1934 in Moscow of tuberculosis at the age of 37.
Vygotsky introduced the notion of zone of proximal development, an innovative metaphor capable of describing not the actual, but the potential of human cognitive development. His work covered such diverse topics as the origin and the psychology of art, development of higher mental functions, philosophy of science and methodology of psychological research, the relation between learning and human development, concept formation, interrelation between language and thought development, play as a psychological phenomenon, the study of learning disabilities, and abnormal human development (aka defectology).


Marcador de tiempo:

  •          He graduated from Moscow State University in 1917.
  •          He died in 1934
Idea general del parrafo:

  • Describir la biografia de Vygotsky

Tipo de texto:
  • Narrativo

viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

Connecting with e-Learners Through Podcasting

By Heather Zink

July 20, 2010

Online instructors often struggle to find ways to connect with students on a consistent basis through a means other than written discussion such as forums and emails. In an online learning community where students are primarily reading a body of course material, the goal of an online instructor is often to establish a sense of connectedness between the student and the material. Words in a textbook or PowerPoint presentations do not provide enough engagement to ensure students are actively participating in their learning, therefore it is crucial to use additional modalities to facilitate connectedness.

By definition, a podcast is a series of digital content files that are released as episodes through the use of Web syndication or RSS feeds. The files can be audio or video, and—if crafted carefully—can create an environment similar to a face-to-face classroom, but with the advantages of availability, accessibility, and repetition. The podcast can be played over and over again until comprehension is achieved. As modern learners experience an increasing demand on their time, podcasting can facilitate a more flexible, mobile learning option.

1-Cúal cree usted que es el tópico a leer?
 Aparentemente el texto habla, segun el titulo y la imagen, de ondas que permiten a los profesores en linea conectarse para promover un aprendizaje.

2-Cual es la idea general del texto?
La implementación del podcast como herramient para facilitar la opción de un aprendizaje móvil.

3-Que palabras se repiten?
Online - Instructors - Students - Connect - Podcast

4-Que palabras se parecen al español?
Instructors - Students - Consistent - Discussion - Material - Presentations

5-Cuales son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudaran a entender el texto?
El titulo:Connecting with e-Learners Through Podcasting

6-De que trata el texto?   
Los instructores en línea a menudo luchan por encontrar la manera de conectarse con los estudiantes sobre una base consistente a través de foros y correos electrónicos. Un podcast es una serie de archivos de contenido digital que se liberan como episodios a través del uso de la sindicación web. Los archivos pueden ser de audio o vídeo, cuidadosamente elaborados, pueden crear un entorno similar a un salón de clases cara a cara, pero con las ventajas de disponibilidad, accesibilidad, y la repetición.

Lev Vygotsky
Vygotsky was born in Orsha, in the Russian Empire (today in Belarus) into a nonreligious Jewish family. He was influenced by his cousin David Vygodsky. He graduated from Moscow State University in 1917. Later, he worked at the Institute of Psychology (mid-1920s)and other educational, research and clinical institutions in Moscow, Leningrad, and Kharkov where he worked extensively on ideas about cognitive development. He died in 1934 in Moscow of tuberculosis at the age of 37.

Vygotsky introduced the notion of zone of proximal development, an innovative metaphor capable of describing not the actual, but the potential of human cognitive development. His work covered such diverse topics as the origin and the psychology of art, development of higher mental functions, philosophy of science and methodology of psychological research, the relation between learning and human development, concept formation, interrelation between language and thought development, play as a psychological phenomenon, the study of learning disabilities, and abnormal human development (aka defectology).

1-Utilizando una biografia de algún autor de tu area de experticia escribe 4 preguntas puntuales sobre fehas, sitios, etc.

1-Vygotsky's birthplace?
Vygotsky was born in Orsha, in the Russian Empire

2-Where and what year he graduated?
He graduated from Moscow State University in 1917

3-That covered his work?
His work covered such diverse topics as the origin and the psychology of art, the development of higher mental functions, philosophy of science and methodology of psychological research, the relationship between learning and human development, concept formation, the relationship between language and play development of thinking as a psychological phenomenon, the study of learning disabilities and abnormal human development

4-Where and when died Vygotsky?
He died in Moscow in 1934 of tuberculosis at the age of 37 years.

Tarea: Unidad II

Tarea: Unidad II

The education must be a continuous reconstruction of living experience based on activity directed by the child. The recognition of individual differences was also considered crucial. Progressive education opposed formalized authoritarian procedure and fostered reorganization of classroom practice and curriculum as well as new attitudes toward individual students. .

Idea Principal del Texto
El texto hace referencia a la reconstrucciòn continua de la educaciòn basandose en la experiencia y reconociendo las diferencias individuales de los estudiantes.

Estructura del texto
1-The education must be a continuous reconstruction of living experience based on activity directed by the child.

Frase nominal:The education

Nucleo de la frase nominal: Education

Pre modificadores: The

Post modificadores: Must be a continuous reconstruction of living experience based on activity directed by the child.

Frase verbal: Experience based on activity directed by the child

Timpo verbal: Presente

2-The recognition of individual differences was also considered crucial

Frase nominal: The recognition of individual differences

Nucleo de la frase nominal: Individual differences

Pre modificadores:The recognition of

Post modificadores: Was also considered crucial

Frase verbal: Also considered crucial

Timpo verbal: Pasado

3- Fostered reorganization of classroom practice and curriculum as well as new attitudes toward individual students.

Frase nominal: Fostered reorganization of classroom practice and curriculum

Nucleo de la frase nominal: Reorganization of classroom practice and curriculum

Pre modificadores: Fostered

Post modificadores: As well as new attitudes toward individual students.

Frase verbal: New attitudes toward individual students.

Timpo verbal: Presente continuo

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

Taller I Sobre las Unidades I y II

1. Leer el texto por completo

Progressive Education
Progressive education was a pluralistic phenomenon, embracing industrial training, agricultural education, and social education as well as the new techniques of instruction advanced by educational theorists. Postulates of the movement were that children learn best in those experiences in which they have a vital interest and that modes of behavior are most easily learned by actual performance.

2. Subrayar las palabras que no entiende y buscarlas en el diccionario

Training: Formación
Behavior: Comportamiento
Which: Que

3. Escribir cual es la idea principal del texto

La idea principal del texto trata sobre el progreso de la educación, el cual se ve como un fenómeno plural por cuanto abarca la educación industrial, agrícola y social. De igual modo resulta importante destacar que el texto da relevancia al hecho de que los niños aprenden mejor en las actividades en las que tienen interés.

4. Identificar el tiempo verbal general del texto

Presente simple

5. Identificar al menos dos palabras de las siguientes categoría lexicales:

Artículos: the new- a pluralistic

Verbos: was - they have

Sustantivos: that children - educational theorists

Adjetivos: easily -

Preposiciones: of - by

Conjunciones: as well - in those

Prefijos: advanced - in which

Sufijos: easily

Cognados falsos: behavior - perfocmance

Cognados verdaderos: Postulates - education

6. Sacar 4 oraciones e indicar:

1-Progressive education was a pluralistic phenomenon
Frase nominal:Progressive education

Nucleo de la frase nominal:Education

Pre modificadores:Progressive

Post modificadores:Was a pluralistic phenomenon

2-New techniques of instruction advanced by educational theorists
Frase nominal: New techniques of instruction

Nucleo de la frase nominal: Techniques of instruction

Pre modificadores: New

Post modificadores: Advanced by educational theorists

3-Children learn best in those experiences in which they have a vital interest
Frase nominal: Children learn best

Nucleo de la frase nominal:Children learn

Pre modificadores: No hay

Post modificadores: In those experiences in which they have a vital interest

 4-Embracing industrial training, agricultural education, and social education as well as the new techniques of instruction.
Frase nominal: Embracing industrial training, agricultural education, and social education

Nucleo de la frase nominal: Industrial training, agricultural education, and social education

Pre modificadores: Embracing

Post modificadores: As well as the new techniques of instruction.

7. Señalar los referenciales presentes en el párrafo y lo cual se refiere.

miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

Tarea Unidad I

Tarea: Unidad I

Ten Truths about Leadership
In the last 30 years James Kouzes and Barry Posner, authors of the highly regarded leadership classic The Leadership Challenge, have studied leaders all over the world. They understand leadership.

The question they get time and time again is “What’s new in leadership?” They answer that while the context of leadership as changed dramatically, the content of leadership has not changed much at all. The fundamental behaviors, actions, and practices of leaders have remained essentially the same since we first began researching and writing about leadership over three decades ago. Much has changed, but there’s a whole lot more that’s stayed the same.” That is probably the fundamental truth of leadership development. With that understanding, we can develop leaders in all contexts and weed out fact from fiction.

Based on thirty years of research—more than one million responses to their leadership assessment—Kouzes and Posner have gathered together in The Truth about Leadership, the ten truths that have stood the test of time and they hold true both globally and cross-generationally. They devote a chapter to each of these ten concepts:

Idea principal del texto
La idea principal del párrafo radica en la pregunta que se hacen dos investigadores sobre qué es lo nuevo en liderazgo? notandose que mientras el concepto de liderazgo ha cambiado la practica no ha cambiado del todo, tomando en cuenta que desde hace tres décadas se ha entendido que el contexto cambia o hace al líder.

Descripciòn del color que representa las palabras lexicales
Artículos: Gris
Verbos: Rojo
Sustantivos: Verde oscuro
Adjetivos: Verde claro
Adverbios: Celeste 
Preposiciones: Naranja
Conjunciones: Amarillo
Prefijos: Marron
Sufijos: Rosado
Cognados falso: Morado
Cognados verdaderos :Azul